Saturday, January 8, 2011

Who Are You Watching Watch You?

Matthew 6:1-8,16-18

In the closing verses of Matthew 5, Jesus challenged us to live in the “more”.  He began chapter 6 showing us how we are to do “more” – what doing more shouldn’t and should look like.  He used three examples: giving, praying and fasting. 

People have been giving and praying and fasting throughout history. Even pagans, in an effort to please their god’s did those things.  But, after Jesus came, the manner of which these things were done changed – at least among God’s people. 

The Jews viewed these three things as signs of spirituality They did all three to be seen of men.  The warnings of Jesus regarding all three are very similar.  In each we are told how we are not to be – pointing to the behavior of the hypocrites. Also, in each we are told how we are to be. 

Notice the words Jesus used to begin this section:  Take heed or beware; watch out.  We often say that to our children when there is a possible danger and they aren’t paying attention. We probably should be saying it more to one another.  This word beware is in the present tense. It means we’ve got to be doing it continually. If we don’t, we will find ourselves joining the camp of the hypocrites. Because, it is what we are naturally prone to do.

In each warning we find the similar admonition:   Do not do your charitable deeds (pray, fast) before men to be seen by them. The desire to be seen of men rather than do something secretly is normal thinking.  Jesus’ brothers quoted it like it’s just the way we are to do things when they encouraged Him to go to Jerusalem. John 7:4 For no one does anything in secret while he himself seeks to be known openly…
We have seen over and over again, Jesus focusing on our hearts and our motives, in this sermon.  He’s still there.  Now, notice, as Jesus speaks of doing charitable deeds, of praying and of fasting. He doesn’t say “if” you do these things, He says “when”.  These things should be a big part of our lives and a consistent part of our lives.  It was interesting to see how much time was spent by commentators, especially if they were pastors, on all the whys of giving to the church.  Jesus doesn’t address that here.  He expects it.

Now, notice – Jesus didn’t say, "Don’t let men see you do your charitable deeds."  Consider Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. So, which is it – do good works so they can see – or do good works and be sure no one sees it?  Jesus said them both and if we think in terms of Him preaching these words they are only about four minutes apart.
It’s all about who gets the glory.  If our motive is to make God more visible and known, we will not want to get in the way of that by doing something that draws attention to us.

Monday, we will look at how Jesus would have us give, pray and fast in a way that pleases the Father who sees us.  God is watching and people are watching.  Who are you mindful of pleasing?


  1. "It's all about who gets the Glory! ...Who am I mindful of pleasing?" The answer is in Who gets the glory! Is it me or do others see His light right through me and are touched by Him.(2 Corinthians 4:7)
    I always remind our sweet jr highers that the hardest place to be a Christian and to honor God is not at church, around their friends, or at school but when 'no one' is watching and they choose God's Will. I have 'grown' a lot and been so blessed when I hang around His kids.

  2. Most of us learn at a pretty young age that certain behaviors and outward attitudes get a favorable response socially. I agree with Ana that the rubber meets the road when we choose His way when no one else is watching...and WHERE no one else can see -except God- within our heart. God alone can see my heart and regardless of what I do outwardly it is there that He is glorified.

  3. This makes me think of the chorus to a song that says "I want to live, to live for Your pleasure And I want to run, to run for Your fame." It is when we keep our eyes focused on HIM that all falls into place. We can represent Christ in our homes, our social settings, our work places, when we are immersed in His presence. I am challenged by this to be more aware of the Spirit moving me, and less aware of my own desires.
