Wednesday, January 5, 2011

But I Say To You

Matthew 5:38 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'
Whenever the Old Testaments speaks of this kind of thing, equal punishment for the crime, it is an instruction to the magistrates, those who would carry out the law. It is not an instruction for the people to administer toward those who have caused them harm.  Although, all too often, we gladly choose to apply this verse.

Rather, consider the verses that follow. The ”But I say” verses of Jesus.  They are some of the most difficult verses in all of Scripture.

[40] If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also.
[41] And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.
[42] Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away.  
[44] But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.

Jesus tells us four things we are to do for those who would be called our enemies – which include those who curse you, hate you, spitefully use you and persecute you.  And notice – none of these speak of withholding bad – they speak of giving good.

We are to:
1.  Love them.  The word love here is agape.  Agape love is an unconditional love.  The other kinds of love are in one way or another a “because” kind of love.  Eros - I love you because I’m attracted to you.  Storge’ - I love you because you are family.  Phileo - I love you because you love me. But, agape love is God’s kind of love. It’s an “I love you, because God loves you” kind of love.  It has nothing to do with feeling and everything to do with action.  Agape love shows love.  Agape love will always do what is best for the other person.

2.   Bless them.    Bless those who curse you.  Speak well of       those who speak evil of you.

3.  Do good to them.  This takes us one step further into kingdom living.  We are not only to speak good to them but we are to do good to them. 

4.  Pray for them.  Not pray about them. Pray for them.  Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.  Remember one of the definitions of persecute?  To follow after to do harm.  We are to pray God’s best for them.  Oh – how we love God’s mercy for ourselves, but we first want them to pay for what they’ve done. Then, when they’ve paid enough, we’ll consider mercy.  No.  Jesus says, mercy first and only mercy.

Why? In heaven’s name, why?  Check in tomorrow for Jesus’ answer.  It has been, for me, one of the most life changing portions of this Sermon. Until then, consider the “But I says” of Jesus and our utter inability to do them without Him.


  1. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me how, the tools God gives us, work so well. Rather than surprise, I would say it delights me. During this Christmas season I have had several occasions to track with these Sermon on the Mount “Way” that Jesus spoke to us. Every time God used the situation to show me His “Way” is the best and it is the one that we are called to choose. Most every time it requires action on my part and then waiting on the Lord. It is in that waiting that I seem to draw so close to Him. It is like I have to do that so I can sustain. At those times I am able to lean in on Him believing He will bring about the best for everyone involved. Cathy, you are so right when you say that this is life changing…. sharon

  2. John 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing"
    Without Him I can do nothing...nothing....that certainly helps to put it in perspective.

  3. When I read these verses it makes me think of who I was before I believed upon Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I was a child of wrath! All my works were as filthy rags! But God who was rich in Mercy chose me! He uconditionally loved me!!! Wow I am still amazed! Me? and yet so very grateful!!! Since we belong in His family now, He enables us to love as He Loves, Bless as He Blesses,to do good as He does Good, and to pray as He Prays for us!!! What evidence that we are His. We can only do these things through the power of His Holy Spirit!!! Thank you Lord for uncontionally loving us! All Glory Honor and Praise belong to You!!!

  4. Well it is sometimes difficult to bless those who curse you, love those other people and I believe Jesus knew we would need His help in doing so. I have found that loving and being nice makes me feel better :0). Really getting even isn't all it's cracked up to be, is it? In a world where it's do as you want, take what you want it's refreshing when you meet someone thinking and caring about you. Believe me it wasn't and isn't always the easiest thing to do, love others, bless others, but at the end of the day we will feel awhole better. Isn't it cool to be a daughter of the King??? Praise Jesus for His example.

  5. I can do no good thing apart from Christ. All of this is impossible without the love of Jesus. It takes laying down our flesh daily, moment by moment, thought by thought and seeking to be filled with His Spirit. We've all been there- that person says something about us or goes out of their way to do us harm and we want to be heard, set things right, protect/defend ourselves-our reputations. I think of Jesus, who committed no wrong and was accused, beaten and hung on a cross, yet He gave no defense, instead continued to love us, He prayed for us, asked God to forgive us and then, He died for us- all when we were still enemies of God. When we get that perspective, it will change the way we respond to persecution and our persecutors. We need His love flowing through us, to see them as Jesus sees them- in need of a Savior, loved by God. Just as He loves us. I can honestly say that when you begin (and continue) to pray for the one who harms/hates you, He will give you a love for them. That is an amazing thing!!! Sally

  6. Heavenly in me, create in me a clean heart that I can and would be willing to love, bless, do good towards 'them' and pray for 'them' not about them. With Your power, through Your spirit I see a possibility of actualizing this portion of Your word.

    Forgive me for falling so short of the mark. Show me how I can pray FOR my enemies, those who are against me and seek to harm me. Help me not to seek retribution but to bless them, pray for them, love them. Kingdom living...all praise, all glory to you my Lord. Amen.
