Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mercy Stands Against Deserved Judgment

Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Consider this quote:  mercy stands against deserved judgment.  Does that grate against you?  I mean, if we are going to be merciful, probably the first people we feel mercy towards are those whom are struggling through no real fault of their own.  That’s the kind of misery we tend to want to alleviate. But, those who are suffering as a result of their own actions?  They made their bed – let them lie in it – right? That makes sense.  But probably there is this uneasiness in your soul.  The blessed don’t dismiss or ignore that uneasiness.

Yes, we are not to circumvent consequences that God has put in place; but, yes, we are to be merciful, by attempting to do something to alleviate the pain of those who have put themselves in it.  Sometimes, that is so very hard to determine.  That’s why Biblical mercy is motivated by the Holy Spirit and not our own sense of rescuing or compassion towards those in pain.  Biblical mercy involves prayer – seeking Him so that we don’t get in the way of what He is doing, or allowing in a person’s life.

James 2:13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

The merciful get mercy; the judgers – (get this definition of judgment – “an opinion formed or expressed”) – those that do that, or those that withhold mercy get mercy withheld.  Oh, how very desperate I am for God’s mercy, aren’t you?

Then there is this absolutely glorious statement – Mercy triumphs over judgment or mercy rejoices over judgment.  I like thinking of it this way, in terms of playing cards – mercy trumps judgment.  Just picturing Satan playing his cards against us - judgment coming down  - and suddenly Jesus plays His mercy card. We should be doing the same towards others.

As you read the following account of a man who fell into a pit, consider which of the “responders” you tend to be.  What has God taught you about showing mercy to others?

A man fell into a pit and couldn’t get himself out
An empathetic person came along and said, “I feel for you down there”
A Pharisee said “Only bad people fall into pits”
A gossip wanted to know all the details
A self-pitying person said “You should see my pit”
A fire and brimstone preacher said – you deserve your pit
A psychologist noted - your parents are to blame for your pit
A self-esteem therapist said – believe in yourself and you can get out of the pit
An optimist said – things could be worse – at least the pit isn’t full of quicksand
A pessimist said – there’s nothing worse than this
But, Jesus, seeing the man, took him by the hand and lifted him out of the pit.

The blessed are meek – they know who they are (poor, but precious) and they let God take care of them.  The blessed hunger and thirst after righteousness (hungry but know they are fillable).  And the blessed are merciful (sinners deserving judgment but getting mercy instead and passing it on to fellow failures).

May this day, be a “mercy” day for you and through you to others.



  1. I once was an orphan without any hope! Lost... without understanding my spiritual need.Then Mercy reached out to me, not that I deserved it, but simply because He loved!!! May I always remember the touch of Mercy, My Jesus saving me. Let this spur me to extend my hand to the one in need. Everyday my Saviors hand is extended to me, to us... His redeemed. Holy Spirt I pray we give you the freedom to have your way with your beloved redeemed!!!

  2. In her comment yesterday, Jess asked the question, "What becomes of those whom we block from receiving God's mercy? I hadn't pondered it from that side. I know that when I DO pass on God's mercy to another, it points them to Jesus - encourages them to believe that in Him they are redeemable. But what becomes of them when I DON'T?? This question stuck with me all day. What becomes of them?! What do I encourage when I withhold mercy? Frankly, I was kinda scared to hear the answer. Then He put the answer in front of me for me to hear AND see...a gal that struggles so terribly with believing that she is redeemable in Christ. This one that God sees as precious sees herself as horrible because she cannot see herself in Jesus. This realization broke my heart into a thousand pieces. That is what becomes of them when i withhold mercy, they are encouraged once again that they are not redeemable in Christ, that His mercy is not for them. How it must grieve the Holy Spirit when I play the judgement card because encourages the person to give up figuring they have lost...so they miss seeing Jesus trump it with His mercy- even though He ALWAYS does. Amy

  3. Well said, Amy. I struggled with that one, too.

    When we cannot see the enormity of God's love encompassing us, we can only see ourselves. We cannot give to others because we hoard what little we think we have. We are such needy people! We need mercy ~ praise God His mercies are new every morning, or we would be utterly bereft of hope.

    I am an optimist...That hole really isn't all that bad, now, is it? The other half of me is a fixer...I want to take you out of that hole and make it all better, possibly preventing you from learning what lesson there may be in it. I have to balance both....only through the Lord's prompting can I respond correctly to each and every situation.

    Lord, fill me to overflowing with your Holy Spirit, that I may respond as YOU direct me.

  4. "Mercy triumphs over judgment!" Cathy is so right when she says that is an absolutely glorious statement. That's one of those short little phrases that we can whip out at a moments notice. We may not remember the whole verse but we can remember and put into practice this concise little phrase.
    O Lord put that phrase in my heart that Your Holy Spirit can draw it out when I need to give it to others... MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGMENT!

  5. All I can say is, "Praise God for His mercy towards me." Now may I be able to pass that mercy along to everyone even those I may feel are a little undeserving. Also I'm a fixer and I'm sure always in God's way. God is showing me when to step back and let HIM work in the lives of the people I love. Not always easy for me. :0)
