Luke 10:36-37 So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?" And he said, "He who showed mercy on him." Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."
I'm not sure what blessed me the
most this morning - the message or the response of the congregation.
When we read about the lawyer who
asked Jesus "And who is my neighbor?", we see in verse 29 the words
exposing the motive behind his question - But, he, wanting to justify
himself, said to Jesus...
My we resist the temptation to
justify behaviors all too similar to the priest and the Levite. May the
Lord hold us to our commitment to love those He brings our way in the way He
calls us to love them. May we be willing to sacrifice
time, money, energy, convenience, safety and anything else we might be tempted
to hold on to with our own benefit in mind. And... may we love one another.
"We are not going up the
hill to hide out. We are going up the hill to reach out."