Luke 10:36-37 So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?" And he said, "He who showed mercy on him." Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."
I'm not sure what blessed me the
most this morning - the message or the response of the congregation.
When we read about the lawyer who
asked Jesus "And who is my neighbor?", we see in verse 29 the words
exposing the motive behind his question - But, he, wanting to justify
himself, said to Jesus...
My we resist the temptation to
justify behaviors all too similar to the priest and the Levite. May the
Lord hold us to our commitment to love those He brings our way in the way He
calls us to love them. May we be willing to sacrifice
time, money, energy, convenience, safety and anything else we might be tempted
to hold on to with our own benefit in mind. And... may we love one another.
"We are not going up the
hill to hide out. We are going up the hill to reach out."

I am blessed to sit under Pastor Dale’s teaching and yesterday was no exception. He delivered his vision for our fellowship with words that not only invite us to join in but excite and inspire. As one who doesn’t always welcome change I can clearly see this move is our “next thing”. Often when I struggle God will make it simple for me and simply remind me that all I need to do is the next thing.
ReplyDeleteWith eager anticipation I RSVP to the “Invitation to a Vision” and say, “Yes, I will be there.”
Geoff and were talking a few weeks ago remembering how Road to Resurrection was started with Pastor Dale’s vision. God was faithful to see us through and blessed that vision mightily. May we REMEMBER God’s faithfulness and step out, shoulder to shoulder in faith.
Amen Clyrinda
DeleteI was in tears yesterday as I heard Pastor's vision, and calling to our fellowship. To see ourselves as the "inn" where healing and restoration are done is such a sweet picture, and one we can definitely bring to life. As Clyrinda said, R2R was a vision that came to life as a body of believers came together and brought with love and dedication and hard work. The rewards of that venture are eternal. So can this be.
ReplyDeleteI am excited as well to stand up and say "count me in" on this wonderful journey. To my family of believers here at CC El Cajon, I say "let's make this move a memorable one together!"
I have heard Pastor Dale express this vision a few times now, and was excited when I knew he was going to put it before our fellowship. But what I heard (and saw...for I had the privilege of standing in the back as watching the body respond) yesterday was beyond what I expected. What a message! What a vision! What an opportunity! What a Savior!
from the moment this vision first became a possibility, I have felt as if it would happen. I drove to the new building a few weeks ago, and felt an instant peace as I drove up the driveway. I was able to walk around a bit since it was a weekend, and really felt as if the Lord was going to give us this building. Now it is a reality, and the excitement is awesome! I just know that great things are going to happen, and Jericho Road Christian Fellowship will be a huge blessing to those of us who have and will continue to walk with them, and to those who may join us as first timers also. I am so excited to venture into this new blessing with my church family and see what the Lord is going to do with it!!
I am so excited for the Lord's vision for our new building! And not only am I excited, but challenged!
ReplyDeleteA few of us were talking after first service of our excitement about the new building and vision for the church. We spoke of how we do long to be those who do not just react to those who are hurting, but to act intentionally. We confessed to each other that oftentimes, our hearts are hardened toward those who are hurting, rather than full of compassion like the Samaritan. As I sat in second service, I felt like I read verses 36 and 37 in a new way:
36 So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”
37 And he said, “He who showed mercy on him.”
Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
God challenged me to see the lost and the wounded as those who have "fallen among thieves"- those who have been deceived and robbed by this world, the devil, and their own flesh. Such was I before I found restoration in Him!
There is nothing sweeter that to see the body of Christ link arms and step out with excitement and faith in God's calling!!! WOW!
ReplyDeleteI was stirred and challenged by Pastors message and as I watched the video. I saw my face in the story as the one who had been rescued and then as one who had acted as those who showed no mercy... How easily I can forget that I was once the one on the Jerecho Road dying and in need of mercy and healing. Jesus, my GOOD SAMARITAN, went out of His way, leaving all to come down to save me- such a wretched soul. He patiently endured the cross, and gave ALL for me. I am challenged and convicted and EXCITED for this call to respond to His command to (as I have received)Go and do likewise. I confess I have fallen short in this area and so thank Him for this wonderful opportunity to be His hands and feet. And I am so excited to get to serve Him with my sisters and brothers in Christ! Looking forward to being those vessels of mercy and love on Jericho Road and out in our community. To God be the glory!!!
I was speaking with a friend yesterday who does not attend our church. She came to our retreat last year and is coming again this year. In our conversation she spontaneously expressed to me how welcome she felt, how genuine the ladies were and how comfortable she was among us even though she knew no one. What a testament! As I reflect on her comments and those of Pastor Dale on Sunday, I am excited to be a part of our pastor's vision for our church and a part of God's plan! To be one who extends a hand for the hurting and a welcome for the lonely. To be available and willing for what God wants to do and how He wants to use me. I have looked around on Wednesdays and Sundays and have seen how God has been readying each of us for this. How He has been dealing with our hearts and preparing us for His work. As Pastor Dale has told us, God is concerned with the heart. I for one, am ready to extend and reveal my heart to those who need to see it. Like others, I too have lain on the road and been the recipient of the compassion of others. Now I stand with my brothers and sisters in readiness. Amen Sally. To God be the Glory! Dee