Monday, May 13, 2013

The Rooster Still Crows

John 18:27 Peter then denied again; and immediately a rooster crowed.

We have several rose bushes at our house.  Only one blooms at a different time than the others.  It’s peek blooming time is Mother’s Day.  That rose bush is a “rooster” in my life.
It was given to me on a Mother’s Day when both of my children were in rebellion.  It was a very sad time in our lives.  For a few Mother’s Days after that, when the rebellion continued, I would look at that bush that first reminded me of that very difficult Mother’s Day.  But, that was not a reminder from the Lord.  His reminder was “I make all things beautiful in My time.  There’s a time to break down and a time to build up; a time to weep and a time to laugh”
So, I have learned to rejoice in God’s reminders when that rose bush blooms.  Of course, now I get to experience the time of laughter, the time of rejoicing for which I am so grateful.  Yet, still my first thought when I see those roses on each Mother’s Day are painful ones.  Then, each Mother’s Day, I stop and thank the Lord for what He has done and how He carried us through those times.  
The rooster still crows in each of our lives, reminding us of very different memories. But, for each one, God plans beauty.