Sunday, January 13, 2013

Finding Life

Matthew 10:34-40

What is life?   How do we define life?  How do we view a meaningful life?.  From our perspective, it hinges on what we view a meaningful life to be.  God views a meaningful life as one who chooses to follow Jesus. The disparity between the two viewpoints will determine much.  

I often find myself guilty of the same temptation expressed by Amy Carmichael and quoted by Elisabeth Elliot in A Chance to Die- praying that a particular trial in a person's life will just go away.  Amy found that the better advice was to encourage someone to see in their circumstances an opportunity to die.  

We have learned to consider death to be something that is painful and harmful.  Painful - yes, almost every time.  But, harmful - not necessarily.  The death of a virus is a good thing, many would view the death of venomous insects or reptiles as a good thing.  Google "How to kill mold" and you will discover the term and question welcome by just about everyone.  I found no websites proposing ways to help mold survive.
So, why do we try so hard to preserve and feed our flesh?  I would propose that it is because we have the wrong viewpoint of the flesh.  We see our flesh as being for us, as being profitable to us, as being a means to meaning, or maybe just satisfaction, or fulfillment.  Maybe, if we were honest, we would have to admit that we really do understand that our flesh is nothing but a means to temporal pleasure.
In some ways our flesh is good. But never when it dominates.  When we try to preserve our flesh rather than die to it, we are so often aiding and abetting our very own enemy.

John 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. 

1 Timothy 4:8 For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. 

In John 6:63, Jesus was talking about the things of the kingdom.  In the spiritual realm, the flesh profits nothing.  In the realm of this earthly life, 1 Timothy tells us that it does profit a little.

Matthew 10:39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

I like the order of this verse.  When we find our life in Jesus, it is so much easier to die to that which pulls us away from Him.

Before we can offer Amy Carmichael's encouragement to others, we need to consistently apply it to our own lives.  Then and only then is my advice something I can say is tried and true.  That's the wonderful thing about choosing to follow Jesus rather than the dictates of our flesh.  He never fails.


  1. I was really challenged this morning to come before the Lord and ask Him what I was holding onto in the flesh that was profiting me nothing. For nothing good is what I get in the long run, if I keep feeding my flesh. "Reckon yourself dead to sin (the flesh)!" is the best advice I can give myself, every minute of every day.
    As I simultaneously reckon myself to be alive in the Spirit, I can and will be able to take up my cross, and follow Him. Put off, Put on. Thankfully, I am never left to my own resources to crucify my flesh, for I have the Holy Spirit's power and enabling to obey.

  2. Since Pastor Dale’s message I have been asking myself “why is it so hard to die to my flesh/self”? As Cathy aptly pointed out my perception is either off and or I’m blind to my own sin. What the Lord is showing me is my perception is way off.

    I have been struggling with walking my talk in a situation within my family; a close relationship. I have been believing I’m right or the one who is wronged and therefore it is up to me to convince, guide and basically get this other person to see “it” the way I do. Then the other person will change and do “it” the way I want and I can go on my merry flesh filled way. I have not seen this situation as a flesh/self focused issue. But have spent many hours wondering why this other person is not doing right!!!! Like Martha I have been busy doing my job. Homemaker, wife and mother, and in this area I have completely lost my focus. Even praying the wrong prayers. Yikes!!!

    God has lifted the veil in this specific situation and is showing me that serving my family is my opportunity to take up my cross and DIE! Painful and humbling. Stop desiring and asking that the other person see their selfishness and look at those three fingers pointing right back at me. He is asking me, “What have I asked YOU to do?” Leave the other person to Me.

    God has called me to this ‘job’ and I trust Him to faithfully equip its entirety.
    BTW…this is really personal and hard to share BUT God is good and has encouraged me to do so.

    1. You humble me with your honesty and obedience. I know the Lord will be with you in this journey of faith. Letting go is sometimes much harder than holding on in the storm - surely the reward is a peace past all understanding.

  3. Precious sister in Christ and beloved friend, it was indeed dying to self to even share these things. I look forward to hearing the testimony of abundant life the Lord works in you through this situation with your family.
    John 12:24-26

  4. Thank you friends for your words of encouragement. Ugh...the pain of dieing. Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

  5. Oh Clyrinda thank you for sharing your heart and struggles. This dying process is so difficult every time. It's so worth it, but every time is such a struggle.
