Monday, January 21, 2013

Come To Jesus

The need for soul rest is so different than the need for physical rest.  Sadly, we tend to ignore both.  But, when the body becomes so depleted that it cries out in sickness or weakness, we begin to take heed and seek restoration.   But, the soul.  do you ignore the cries of your soul?  Some of its cries are physical.  As David cried out in Psalm 32: his vitality was turned into the draught of summer.  Jesus understands our spiritual thirst.
John 7:37  If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.

From the Sunday morning message Matthew 11:28, 29 Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest in your souls.

Our objection?  Yokes make me think of work and I'm tired! I need to rest!  Yet, Jesus tells us rest is found in taking His yoke upon us – putting on something that really only works when we are moving.
But, I was thinking…. our souls are continually moving – moving towards Jesus or away from him.  We really don't "sit still" spiritually.

Pastor Dale shared with us that this yoke that Jesus desires us to put on (notice He doesn't put it on us) is well fitting, and designed specifically for each one of us.  It's designed to guide us as we move, to keep us from the ditches of life.  Because the ditches of life are exhausting, aren't they?  And --- His yoke for you has been designed by the One who knows every ditch that is ahead  of us.

Jesus says to us – Put this on.  It will make life a whole lot easier.  Come to Me.  Learn (literally, by use and practice) from Me.  The result will be rest (recover your strength, refreshment).    Ahhh, doesn't that sound like a very good thing?  It only comes by coming to Him.


  1. I loved the analogy of a person having heavy bricks laid on them, with names of items we may be carrying we were never intended to. Sometimes, I need to take the time to see if I am carrying a load. It can be so easy to pick things up along the way and not realize I am burdened until I am bone weary and just plain worn out. When I stop I can take a look at my yoke and see if I am connected to the proper Master. HIS yoke is truly well-fitting, easy to carry, and perfectly suited to keep me walking safely.
    I am reminded how much He loves me!

  2. His yoke…custom fit…just for me. As a seamstress ( I use that term loosely) there is great satisfaction in having a garment custom made. There are no pulls, gaps or places that fit too tight or too loose. My Lord has asked me to “put on” His yoke, custom made just for me. As I take each step in obedience to Him with the reigns firmly in His hands He gently guides me toward the next step, avoiding the pit falls and ruts. No rubbing, no pulling, no gaps. He simply blesses me with His peace and His rest.

    I’ve been reminded recently that the smallest step of obedience brings His blessing of rest. For me that small step of obedience was commenting on this blog. For me it is much easier to remain in the back ground and silent but His blessing is way better than “easy”. So for those reading and remaining silent I encourage you to post a comment!

  3. This past week I listen to the Ukraine minister teach at my son's church. He spoke on four things that cause us to lose our spark for the Lord. Feelings, emotions, opinions and experiences. In considering yokes I realize that often my past experiences result in a yoke of my my own doing. I render obedience to that experience vice unto the Lord. Do I really think that I know best just because I've had some experience? That's why His yoke is light and easy. He know and He sees the whole picture. Therefore, he can fit us, as Clyrinda said, with the perfect yolk. Lamentations speaks of the yoke laid on us:
    Lamentations 3:27
    It is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth. Let him sit alone and keep silent, because God has laid it on him;
    Oh how I wish I could be more silent and in every situation seek His yolk. Sharon
