Sunday, December 19, 2010

This Morning's Message from Pastor Dale

Let's take today and reflect on this morning's message.  I encourage you to post a comment.  I love the way the Lord is using the comments.  Please keep posting - and thank you to those of you who are obeying God's "nudging".  Your comments have been a blessing. 

Love in Jesus,


  1. I loved this morning's message about the heavenly Birth announcement! What a sweet way to begin our last week before Christmas - to pause and consider what God felt we needed to hear.

    Be not afraid: I don't often think of myself as fearful, yet I heard this morning ways of acknowledging fear that I hadn't considered much before. And the good news, the answer for fear that God keeps on giving: I am with you.

    Good news = great joy: Trade your fear for great joy. Not just joy, but GREAT joy. Remember He is faithful to His promises: to be with me, to present me faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to complete the work He has begun in me.

    Like a shepherd, I want to be looking about me all the time, attentive to the things about me. Alert to the sounds of possible danger, sensitive to the nudge to move or stay or reach out and give. I want to have my eyes to the heavens, seeking the glory of my King.

    Good tidings of Great Joy - the Savior has come!

  2. I was reminded this morning of the verse from yesterday's post, Psalm 85:10 Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed.
    A phrase in the song, "O Little Town of Bethlehem" is "the hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight". How may wonderful things have been "met" by our Lord Jesus. Praise His Name!

  3. This mornings message really touched my heart. The birth announcement really got me. What a statement. The birth of the Savior for all to receive. I like the Good tidings of Great Joy.
    Thank you Jesus for being born. Thank you God for YOUR Son.

  4. The message again was awesome. The announcement of our Saviors birth made me realize just how improtant His birth is to not only me but as Pastor Dale said everyone. I especially liked when Pastor Dale had us repeat the verse announcing Christ's birth and inserting our name. That really touched me.
    I can't believe I'm a blogger, cool :0)
