Sunday, March 17, 2013

My Blood of the New Covenant

Pastor Dale shared that it is possible that Jesus and His disciples, at the close of His Passover meal with them, sang the words of Psalm 136.  He encouraged us to follow the pattern of the psalm and write a few lines of our own.  Once I got started, I didn't want to stop, as my thoughts were flooded with the Lord's goodness.  Here's just a few of them.  I'm going to write more after I post this.  Oh, how He loves it when we praise Him.  Please join me by writing your Psalm 136 thoughts and when you are done, consider posting them.  But, whether you post or not, take a few minutes and give thanks to Him.
It will be well worth your time.

Oh, give thanks to the LORD for He is good!  For His mercy endures forever.
To Him who forgives all my sin.  For His mercy endures forever.
  And rescued me from me.  For His mercy endures forever.
To Him who calls back the wayward ones. For His mercy endures forever.
  And loves me unconditionally.  For His mercy endures forever.
To Him who is coming again.  For His mercy endures forever.
  And has reserved a place for me.  For His mercy endures forever.
To Him who calls me that is faithful.  For His mercy endures forever.
  And equips me to walk in His ways.  For His mercy endures forever.
To Him who transforms the sinner.  For His mercy endures forever.
  And makes all things new.  For His mercy endures forever.
To Him who puts a song in my heart.  For His mercy endures forever.
  And rejoices over me with singing.  For His mercy endures forever.
To Him who inhabits my praises.  For His mercy endures forever.
  And records my meditations of Him in a book.  For His mercy endures forever.
Oh give thanks to the God of heaven! For His mercy endures forever.


  1. Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good! His mercy endures forever!

    He is my hope and glory, His mercy endures forever!

    He made me a child of God, His mercy endures forever!

    He is the author and finisher of my faith, His mercy endures forever!

    He is the anchor to my soul, His mercy endues forever!

    He meets my every need, His mercy endures forever!

    He hears me when I call, His mercy endures forever!

    He is my Shelter and Strong Tower, His mercy endures forever!

    He gives me peace with God and the peace of God, His mercy endures forever!

    He leads me on the narrow path and keeps my foot from falling, His mercy endures forever!

    He picks me up and dusts me off and forgives me when I do fall, His mercy endures forever!

    He gives me His Word and His Spirit, His mercy endures forever!

    He holds my head above the water and walks me through the fire, His mercy endures forever!

    He gives the sunshine and the rain, His mercy endures forever!

    He alone is on the throne forever more, His mercy endures forever!

    He is my joy forever more, His mercy endures forever!

    Thank you Jesus!!!

  2. I wrote my own "Psalm 136" this morning. It was a sweet time of worship. Thank you, Pastor, for encouraging us to do it. The beautiful thing is that we could write a Psalm every day and still not run out of praises.

  3. Oh give tanks to the Lord for He is Holy
    For His mercy endures forever

    To Him who gives me the breath of Life
    For His mercy endures forever

    To Him that teaches me to pray
    For His mercy endures forever

    To Him who will never leave or forsake me
    For His mercy endures forever

    To Him who has forgiven all my sins
    For His mercy endures forever

    To Him who is the light onto my path
    for His mercy endures forever


  4. Oh, give thanks to the LORD for he is good. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who loves me with an everlasting love. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who redeemed my life from destruction. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who holds my tears in His bottle. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who calls His lost. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who intercedes for His sheep. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who is longsuffering. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who makes me Holy. He mercy endures forever.
    To Him who gives me hope. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who holds me in His arms. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who rejoices over me. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who hears and delights in my praises. His mercy endures forever.
    To Him who is coming again. His love endures forever.

    How I praise and thank you Jesus,
