Sunday, February 24, 2013

It Is I

Matthew 14:22-33

This morning's message provoked many thoughts in me.  I'd like to post two of them.

First, the conclusion of the story ends with the concluding thoughts of the disciples.  Their conclusion about Jesus based on watching Jesus walk on water and based on His enabling Peter to walk on water.  The stated or recorded conclusion - Truly, You are the Son of God.

We often arrive at conclusions after seeing God work in a trial, don't we?  I have been thinking about the conclusions I have arrived at based on watching God work in a trial.  I think a lot of my conclusion, or the depth of my conclusion is related to how personally invested I was in the trial.

In this trial, this storm at sea, I think the other disciples would have concluded "Jesus helps people in storms" or "Jesus can help people walk on water".  Peter's conclusion would have been different.  I think Peter's conclusion would have been "Jesus helped me in a storm" or "Jesus helped me walk on water".  There's a vast difference in those statements.  The disciples' conclusion would have been based on observation.  Peter's conclusion would have been based on stepping out in the storm.

Secondly, when Pastor Dale spoke of Jesus and Peter getting into the boat, I was challenged to consider how I viewed that action.  Did Jesus carry Peter?  Did Jesus drag Peter?  Did Jesus again enable Peter to walk on the water?  I found that I had my own opinion.  As I ponder this,  I think that the way we view Jesus and Peter getting into the boat may be directly related to how we view God.  We are only told And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught Him.  I came home and looked up the verb tense of the word caught.  Then I realized I'm probably not going to be able to figure it out.  I don't know how Jesus helped Peter get back to the boat.  But, I do know this, the manner in which Jesus helped Peter is the manner in which Peter needed at that moment.  Our God is Jehovah - the becoming One; the One who becomes what we need.  For each of us, He gets us "back to the boat" differently, but always, just as we need Him to.

What did you get from this morning's message?


  1. Again, I am delighted that the Lord is speaking to me in this message, as in my devos and quiet times, all on the topic that He is working in my heart. How wonderfully all these words of His minister to me!

    I loved the thought that Pastor shared that praying helps set our compass, especially in storms. Oh, how we need our compass set correctly! We can wander so far from the right path when we rely on our own wisdom and understanding!

    Secondly, I loved that Peter chose the best thing he could have done in the midst of his storm: he called out to Jesus to save him. He didn't pause and look to his own resources or wisdom (good thing, he'd have been over his head in no time!) He choose well!

    Thirdly, I love that the effect of all those who saw this event was to praise Jesus. After all, in all our storms, doesn't it feel good to offer praise to the God of the storms? To the only One who can truly save us? Our storms are often ways we can testify to the truth of who God is to an unbelieving world. When we choose praise, it defies logic. It puts the flesh in its place, and our Spirit rejoices with us. It can be a hard choice, but so worth it.

  2. How blessed I am to sit under clear and solid Bible teaching. Thank you Pastor Dale for your faithful teaching!

    The instructions…get in the boat…be courageous…come

    How blessed I am when I hear, recognize God and obey. The result is my adoration and worship despite my feelings about my circumstances/problems. In the midst of obeying, like Peter, I can stumble and fall BUT I’m immediately caught by His grace. Keeping my eyes on Jesus I am able to see His goodness and provision even when I falter. I recognize “It is I.” As Pastor Dale said,” If I focus on the problem all I see is the problem.” Seeing Him with me I will gladly travel through the storms and rejoice.

    With the help and loving care of my Lord He puts me back in the boat. May my response be one of praise and worship today and always.

  3. I woke up early this morning under attack. It’s hard to explain these times but I feel heavy, nervous and full of fear. I don’t know where this comes from and I don’t want to put a lot on credence on that issue. All I know is it works me and I have set my mind, heart and soul on Jesus. The Word of God is the only thing that brings me out. From Isaiah I remembered why I was created; to bring worship, glory and praise to my Lord Jesus Christ. That is my purpose. That is my place. It also helped to go back and read Acts 27 “Are you right in the middle of a storm?” Pastor Dale’s teaching on Sunday: Matt. 14: 24-33 reminded me about Acts 27 storms. I read the whole paper about storms and came to the last items before the heaviness and fear begin to recede. In the storm are you thanking God in the presence of others (even if you are not at this point and don’t feel like praising God – do it anyway). This brought me back to Pastor Dale’s lesson and how the disciples in the boat worshiped Jesus after the storm was over. But, Peter worshiped Jesus in his action during the storm. He acted on his faith and stepped out of the boat during the storm. For me this is a great help. So much of our worship is not in words spoken but the actual stepping out in faith.
    Praise the Lord......sharon

  4. Pastor Dale mentioned the presence of the Lord in the middle of the storm and how THAT is more than enough to encourage a fearful heart to trust and take courage (I, too, as Cindy mentioned, love how the Lord is speaking to my heart). I considered Pastor Dale's statement that the waves were the stepping stones for Jesus to get to them. I reread this portion of scripture and noticed something... the very waves that were violently tossing this boat were no match for the One who walked across them. Not only was He walking on a raging sea but with the wind blowing- a wind so strong that it created these monstrous waves. Want to know that His presence is enough? Consider the One who walks on storm raged seas without any effort and is not moved. That's our God! And He wants us to trust Him, that He is enough for everything we go through. We may not know how He's going to get us through it but He IS going to get us through it. His very presence is more than enough. And that makes my heart want to worship Him!!! Thank You Lord for the promise of ALWAYS being with me. I LOVE Your presence. Nothing else will do, nothing calms me more than to remember You are there!

  5. I have given much thought to the message on Sunday. I Have been in storms at sea, it brought back thoughts of how I had to learn to walk the decks and up and down ladders, to done my watch. at first it was hard and I was toss unto the bulkheads or hit my keens on the ladder runs. But as I put work the way each step was to be taken, it become much easier to walk, even if the ship was in a storm. Also I learn to rest, thought the ship was toss around while I was in my rack, I found myself being rock to sleep. Now as a christian I find the Lord teaching me how to walk in the storms of life and showing me where to step, to allow Him to help me to rest in those storms, even when everything seem to be toss around me, In His Hands I find my rest. I see Peter wanting a helping hand and the Lord saying It is I, take hold of my hand. Rudy
