Friday, December 21, 2012

Taming Your Temptation

'Tis the season....  the season to, rather than turn away from temptation, turn over to it.  So many temptations seem to be placed just a little bit closer to us.  Many of the places we go to that rarely had sweets before, now offer the sumptuous fudges and sugar cookies.  Church, homes.... we can't seem to escape the allure of sugar and chocolate.  Retail stores place  many of the things we don't need, but suddenly seem to really want, right in the center isles.  

Should I?  Aw, it's Christmas, just a little more than usual won't hurt me.  So, we eat a little more and we spend a little more.  When January arrives, we may find the little mores added up to a lot more than we thought and the thrill of the moment we yield to in December is long gone.

The decisions to eat a little more or spend a little more don't tend to be that detrimental.  Yet, they are reminders to us of the kind of thinking that can lead to detrimental consequences or at least thinking that takes us out of our Lord's will for us.  

Probably the greatest temptation during this holiday season is not one to "do" something, but one to "not to do".Our greatest temptation can be to slack off on our devotional time with the Lord.  Is that you?  Have you "turned over" to that one?  If so, turn back - and turn back today.  When Jesus meets our needs, the other temptations of the season lose their attraction to us.  Don't fight temptations by simply trying to turn away from them.  Fight them by turning to the Lord by spending time with Him.  

Eugene Peterson wrote this paraphrase of Psalm 4:6-8.  Why is everyone hungry for more? "More, more", they say.  "More, more."  I have God's more-than-enough.  More joy in one ordinary day than they get in all their shopping sprees.  At day's end I'm ready for sound sleep.  For you, God, have put my life back together.

Here's the key to taming temptation, this holiday season and always.  ... put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.  Romans 13:14

What have you discovered to help you keep Jesus as your "reason for the season"?


  1. I've learned that when I've been looking at Jesus, it's like looking at the sun. My eyes are blinded just a little more to the things of this world. But, when I haven't been looking at Jesus, I see things with un-filtered eyes and temptations which were once less difficult to resist, loom larger and stronger.

  2. I find that when I am frantically busy, I am frantically tired. When the tired eyes cry out for sleep, I am reminded to stay up just a little longer and finish my day the way I started: reading the Word. If I didn't begin my day with the Lord, I am sure to end it with Him. This is particularly helpful during the busy times, like December. While I must admit to indulging in more chocolate than I normally allow, I also find that I tire of it more quickly than if I indulged all the time. Praise God, there is NO tiring of His Word, His Presence, and His love for me. They are always fresh, always needful, always perfect for every season!

  3. Nothing in this world can ever compare to what I have in Jesus.
    I try to remember that cold and dark night just before Jesus came in to our world so many years ago. Then Hope, love, Joy and Peace....Salvation came to all who would receive Him. It has been over twenty years since Jesus came into my heart and life. No more more emptiness. How very very grateful I am to God for the precious gift of His Son Jesus !!!!!
    I can choose to sit in His presence and soak up His truth being satisfied and calmed or .... fill myself with things that leave me empty and have no eternal value. I wish I could say that I always choose the first but unfortunately I don't. But I am learning to make the One who brought the Light of this world - The Light of all things- Jesus, be my everything :)

  4. This year Christmas worship music has played a huge part in keeping my focus on Him. I have purposed to venture beyond my favorites and have found some real gems of worship out there. Since they are new to me, I play the same one several times in a row until the words soak in and I am truly worshiping from my heart.
    Also I was stuck by how Pastor Dale tied in Communion with Christmas. It has encouraged me to be ever more mindful of Jesus during the season.

  5. I went to the cupboard this morning to grab "just a bite" of a cookie. Was I hungry? Not really. Then why? Being the deep analyzer that I am, I came up with this conclusion....
    because it was there. How many times do we yield to temptation simply "because it was there"? I threw the cookies out. Ah... eliminating possibilities of temptations is a good thing. :)

    1. I applaud your decision...and your strength!

  6. The last few years we have been making gifts for our immediate family. It causes us to slow down, think about what would really bless that person, and 'craft' away. We may not have the best talents in a particular area, that really doesn't matter. It's the effort and love we put into our projects because we deeply care about that person.
    This also keeps my mind and heart in focus during this Season, for I have time to sit and think about the person of my Savior and what would bless Him. What gifts can I bring Him? Each year the answer changes slightly in the way it is presented, but always the gift remains the same: me. He wants all of me, and each year as I sit and ponder, I see new areas He wants me to give Him.
    I am not naturally an "analyzer" but this season is a good one for me to take that quality on. And I don't even need to wait for a New Year's Resolution!

  7. So many things pull on me and beckon my attention this time of year !!!
    But I am choosing to sit a little longer at the feet of my loving Shepherd. He will give me His focus for my day and He will pack my backpack. So whatever I do I will be doing with Him while I am being led by Him.

    I read this verse in my Devotional today.
    This is my focus :)
    But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.
    Hebrews 11:16
    Looking up.... Not to the things of this world but to my heavenly country !!


  8. I am satisfied in Him alone. He proves that over and over. Oh the cookies and shopping are fun and taste good for a moment but I want the lasting sweetness that comes only from the Lord, time spent abiding in Him. Nothing satisfies my soul like He does.

    One way I have chosen to focus on Jesus this season is a friend and I planned to connect for fellowship once a week during this break from study. I had a very busy week and was up late the night before we were to meet and I overslept (which I rarely ever do). She sweetly texted me and offered me that we could skip it until next week. I chose to get up and go because I knew how beneficial this time is for us spiritually and how it pleases Him. When I got there she shared that she too had been really busy that week and her husband had told her to sleep in and rest, that I would understand if we didn't get together this week. She too, said I MUST... we know the value of putting Christ first and are never disappointed when we gather in His name. He always meets us there.

    No matter how busy we may get, taking time to spend with the Lover of our souls is so vital, it is the way we keep those giants tamed. He satisfies us so that we can go through each day joyful... this is a time to be joyful above the hustle and bustle, joyful because of what this season means to us. Joy to the world, the Lord has come! And He has changed everything for us! Rejoice, spend time rejoicing in the Savior of the world! He is the reason we can sing and celebrate! Thank you JESUS!!!


  9. Sharon writes:
    Every year at Christmas I get a special light from the Lord. I have come to purpose, to look for it. It may be, looking at something in my life a little differently or it may be, just a deeper worship of Him. This year it came in the form of a photo of my brother Ed holding one of his grandbabies. Just seeing the love between them and knowing that my brother is experiencing the Joy of Christmas with his family made me realize how relationships are beautiful jewels given by God. It made me think about “Others” the middle letter in JOY that connects the J-(Jesus) to Y-(yourself). Others connect us to Jesus in no other way and there is no truer Joy. Experiencing Ed’s photo made me remember holding Abby, a two year old from my Sunday School class, at the Christmas Eve church service the other night. It was a gift, as well. God gave me that little child to hold, cuddle and watch. My heart was so blessed as I watched the connection between her and her family. It made me think of my own son and family and of our connection. God nits our hearts together across the miles and brings JOY to my Christmas. Christmas, a day that does not end after 24 hours, but continues to connect us in relationships all year long. The best relationship of all being… Jesus!
